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Home Visitor Management System for EMIAS

Updated: Mar 26, 2019

More than 3 thousand tablets connected to the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System (EMIAS) of Moscow.

Work with doctors attending patience at home has become even more convenient - more than 3 thousand tablets connected to the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System (EMIAS) of Moscow, now also can be used by doctors who go to examine a patient at home.

Information about the patient, his residential address, contact details, symptoms and health condition and complaints are some of the data available to the Moscow-based specialists during the call on the devices.

Moreover, one year ago Medlinesoft presented the results of research and development in order to develop a special system for managing medical visits at home as a part of Moscow's EMIAS, automating and controlling the process.

About our system

The system includes a doctor’s mobile workplace and provides the ability to register home calls and the results of visits in the real time, assign people responsible for each process, transfer information about the call, monitor the performance of visits at home, generate primary documentation and necessary reports.

The new functionality optimizes the service: it significantly reduces the time from registering a call to the arrival of a doctor and facilitates the automatic transmission of information to doctors minimising errors.

Currently we are aiming to develop a better functionality for the system. Using a tablet, the doctor will have access to all the information like patient's medical record, his medical history, prescribed treatments, chronic diseases and allergic reactions, it will be possible to issue electronic prescriptions for medications and sick leave. This functionality will allow on-site call to significantly reduce the time for collecting anamnesis and documentation and to devote more time to the patient.



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